08-07-2024, 07:03 AM
Econ Chief
This is such a random topic. I'm currently teaching myself Braille, which will take some time. I was curious how many of you have seen it on signage where you live and wondered what it actually said (because it's not one-to-one)? It's very common in the US due to federal laws requiring it in public buildings. It's quite a marvelous script.
happy5214, by the Grace of the Imperator and the Consul of Internal and Economic Affairs, Vice Consul of Internal and Economic Affairs, Senator, Chief Economic Coordinator, Director of Trades, Chancellor of the Treasury, and Chief Censor, Assistant Commander of Legion Economics, Deputy Overseer of Internal Affairs, Voter of Team Proposals, Enactor of Purple Sanctions, Executor of Financial Policy, Organizer and Protector of the Circles, Comptroller of Allied National Resources, Head Merchant of Tech, Bringer of Aid, Expander of Nations, Collector of Statistics, and Analyst of the Game.
For today, we aid. For tomorrow, we tech deal. For all, we trade. Forever, wir dienen.
Vivu feliĉe kaj amike, parolu la veron, kaj elektu la bezonojn de ĉiuj anstataŭ viajn.
Ave Legio.
While I have worked to improve the quality of The Legion, I have accumulated the following awards: