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Sandrock149 Sandrock149 is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 39
  1. Konkrage
    12-29-2012 12:06 PM
    Sandrock what are you doing visiting my page without saying hi??
  2. Arcadian Empire
    12-17-2012 04:12 AM
    Arcadian Empire
    Nice! Shame only a few of us here remember you - all the old faces leaving =(

    But yeah, uni work is dominating - uhh... quest of a girlfriend still continuing. The usual

  3. Xineoph
    12-13-2012 06:23 PM
  4. Arcadian Empire
    12-13-2012 03:55 AM
    Arcadian Empire
    sup sandrock

    long time no see! how goes things
  5. Iron Wolf
    07-03-2011 06:05 PM
    Iron Wolf
    Better and ssdd. Last war we dumped a lot of dead weight. The only ones left now are well aware of the importance of warchests and not going Infra heavy. The haters keep on hatin', latest ones for the bitch pile is New Sith Order. They got all cozy-ed up to MK now, so they feel they gotta show how little their e-peens are out on the OWF.
  6. Arcadian Empire
    07-03-2011 04:11 PM
    Arcadian Empire
    And how's Pokemon-mastery going for you? Good, I hope.
  7. Imperial
    07-01-2011 06:48 PM
    God no. Nice to see ya Sandrock, you've been dead far too long around here!
  8. Iron Wolf
    07-01-2011 04:28 AM
    Iron Wolf
    You found your way back for a few! I'm hoping life has been manageable! Still busy with college, or moved on to the "real world" now?
  9. Arcadian Empire
    07-01-2011 12:29 AM
    Arcadian Empire
    omg hai!

    How are you? How are things? We haven't seen you in ages =(
  10. Alexander Kerensky
    01-24-2010 07:14 PM
    Alexander Kerensky
    Welcome back, here is our new mentor guide. You should be able to see it shortly, if you have any questions let me know.

About Me

  • About Sandrock149
    New Jersey
  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    Republic of SaNdRoCk


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-16-2024 11:05 PM
  • Join Date: 02-14-2008
  • Referrals: 4


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Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
Republic of SaNdRoCk
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