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Emperor Ali Emperor Ali is offline

Peace, Land, Bread

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 77
  1. Kaliban
    01-21-2010 03:02 PM
    Ali! where you benn?
  2. Nedved I
    01-16-2010 04:38 AM
    Nedved I
    360, hey why did you delete?
  3. Emperor Ali
    12-01-2009 01:47 PM
    Emperor Ali
    To all those who may read this, I am leaving Cyber Nations, I will delete my nation within the next few days, it has been a nice time, I must go on, I might be on the website every once and a while, goodbye for now.
  4. Sinatra
    11-24-2009 06:11 AM
    Happy Birthday mate.
  5. Matthew The Great
    10-04-2009 02:46 PM
    Matthew The Great
    Hey I see you are visiting the forums quite a bit recently would you mind becoming an ambassador to help us with some special projects

    Just go here and follow directions:
  6. Nedved I
    09-26-2009 09:22 PM
    Nedved I
    3mil sent from my pocket, use it to get out of Bill Lock.
  7. Nedved I
    09-11-2009 07:11 PM
    Nedved I
  8. Nedved I
    08-18-2009 06:03 AM
    Nedved I
    Well welcome back, ive had my ac break over vacation to Ohio.
  9. Nedved I
    07-27-2009 08:41 AM
    Nedved I
    I do like snow, But you live north too, you know how bad the cold can get Northern U.S. and Canada. We also have a wood stove which requires constant care so winter's been kind of Demonized.
  10. Nedved I
    07-27-2009 08:32 AM
    Nedved I
    Heat wouldnt be so bad if it wasn't coupled with 1,000,000% humidity.

About Me

  • About Emperor Ali
    Toronto, Canada
  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    Alpha Nation
    Native Resource #1
    Native Resource #2


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-15-2010 03:49 PM
  • Join Date: 03-12-2009
  • Referrals: 7


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 11

Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
Alpha Nation
Native Resource #1
Native Resource #2
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