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tom the pit leader tom the pit leader is offline

Brutal Despot

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 291 to 300 of 313
  1. killer04
    10-20-2009 08:00 PM
    give him 3 mil please
  2. Devildogg
    10-11-2009 07:44 PM
    Hi... I'm an new guy here at the Legion... I just applied today... Can give me a run down of what the alliance is all about%3Pr
  3. the god of lightning
    10-11-2009 04:45 PM
    the god of lightning
    Did Sicko give you any stat's from his new sled Tom?
  4. Death Star
    09-20-2009 09:11 AM
    Death Star
    hi tom... sorry for being let to give u tech.. actually there r guys who have tech deal with me and they itself get late to take tech i send to them and hence the whole program runs late by days. because of them, i got late to offer tech to other buyers... anyway, i have sent u tech so plz login to CN and take the tech as i have to give tech to other guys also and today itself..
  5. the god of lightning
    09-18-2009 04:03 PM
    the god of lightning
    I'm not in a big hurry Tom, but with all these education reforms people are proposing, it would be good if I had some sort of answer soon so I've got one less thing to worry about
  6. the god of lightning
    09-17-2009 04:56 PM
    the god of lightning
    Nah its fine your ok right day.
  7. the god of lightning
    09-16-2009 09:34 PM
    the god of lightning
    Todays the day to send to sicko, don't forget.
  8. Matthew The Great
    09-13-2009 07:29 PM
    Matthew The Great
    hey tom do you want to buy some tech via sleds

    reminders will be sent for security purposes
  9. the god of lightning
    08-05-2009 10:46 PM
    the god of lightning
    Hey Tom just checking you resigned as a Mentor right?
  10. Pimptastic
    08-02-2009 04:13 PM
    you know what forum to check

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  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    there be rabbits
    Native Resource #1
    Native Resource #2
  • Signature
    Originally Posted by Hasc View Post
    tom the pit leader Illuminati confirmed


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  • Last Activity: 03-25-2024 07:00 PM
  • Join Date: 02-25-2008
  • Referrals: 1


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Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
there be rabbits
Native Resource #1
Native Resource #2
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