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Penultidodo Penultidodo is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. President Thomas
    02-20-2021 12:09 PM
    President Thomas
    A nation called TEBEZAR has declared war on my nation and sent me into anarchy. I have attacked back with 1 battle victory and 1 defeated. Their nation link is

    Appreciate any help!
  2. Micheal The Great
    03-30-2020 03:51 AM
    Micheal The Great
    Title: MoD Warchest Notification

    Messageenultidodo ,

    I would like to thank you for your recent check in for March 2020. The data you provide helps us better prepare The Legion for any potential wars that may come down the road, and the ability to help nations correct any mistakes they are making.

    I am writing to you to inform you that you are not within your required Warchest requirements for your nations size. If you are confused about how much money you should keep on hand please use the Warchest Calculator found in the Forums announcement banner, or here:

    Please work on taking your cash reserves up to requirements for the next check in. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

    Thank you,
    Micheal The Great
    Deputy Centurion
  3. Lord Emperor Clot
    11-26-2018 07:49 PM
    Lord Emperor Clot
    Sir, the mailing to Legion Cohort IV is done. The following were still needing to do the adjustments next to their names. The message is also included below. Ave... -Clot.

    Pyroponce ok
    DRAGOS ok
    Lord Emperor Clot ok
    Solomon tanks
    Illusion ok
    Dread October Cruise
    PlasticTastic tanks
    Leonel Badano tanks
    aaannndddyyy tanks, DEF1, (anarchy)
    mojo882 tanks & DEF1
    Regent Pancras ok
    Frey the Great tanks
    kajkajete tanks, Cruise
    Kaliban tanks

    Dear Legionnaires,
    As the war has ended, your Cohort is advised to return to a peaceful setting for your own prosperity. You are suggested to decom your tanks and cruise missiles, as they are a financial drain and easily re-purchased. Those of you who are in DEFCON 1 are likewise suggested to go back to DEF 5 for financial reasons. If anarchy prevents these changes, we assume you are in talks with the alliance and are working your way out of the phosphorescent crater your nation has become.
    Keep up the good work! Ave Legio.
    Lord E. Clot,
    Cohort IV dep. cntn.
  4. killer04
    12-08-2017 10:09 PM
    accept trade please

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    Czech Republic
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  • Last Activity: 12-27-2024 07:07 AM
  • Join Date: 08-04-2017
  • Referrals: 70


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