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Melidan Melidan is offline

The love child of Ayn Rand and Barry Goldwater

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 255
  1. jacosby
    08-25-2021 03:27 PM
    WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?
  2. Hubb
    05-11-2012 09:53 PM
    I miss you.
  3. tom the pit leader
    02-01-2012 08:26 PM
    tom the pit leader
    hey, just a heads up your 19 days inactive in game. Don't forget to collect
  4. Sandrock149
    07-01-2011 12:27 AM
    doing my tri yearly hi miss you
  5. FreeMason
    02-07-2011 06:30 PM
    Hai Mel! I don't have interwebs in my apartment I'm relying on starbucks to provide me with online activity. That said, I'm gonna start coming here every night, so I could probably devote some of this time to the Legion...
  6. Iron Wolf
    01-25-2011 07:02 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Hey Mel, glad to see you come out of your forum slumber. After the coming war, remember to decom your Guerilla Camps before back collecting this time.

    And no, I'm never going to let you live that down.
  7. Master Holton
    01-23-2011 11:55 AM
    Master Holton
    grazie! Every time I see your golden name I get jealous
  8. jimmy
    01-22-2011 02:39 PM
    Agreed there. But for the purposes of letting it ride it doesn't matter to me. It will be 3.5+% How much of that will come from inflation will have more to do with the US being the prettiest pig at the dance than it will the actual expansion of the US economy. Gold has peaked and the only inflationary force I'm worried about is printing more money. Fortunately we have a better balance in congress than last year and congressional gridlock is good for a stable operating environment.
  9. Feibelman
    01-22-2011 10:03 AM
    Wave this
  10. jimmy
    01-21-2011 04:55 PM
    Yes you do and I'm happy you remembered You are an honorable guy. Want to go double or nothing that the US economy will grow at 3.5% or greater in 2011?

About Me


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  • Last Activity: 02-07-2011 02:24 PM
  • Join Date: 02-14-2008
  • Referrals: 55


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