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Sylar Sylar is offline

Your Boss

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Matthew The Great
    09-07-2009 06:06 AM
    Matthew The Great
    Sylar I name you: "Almost Got Us In a War Guy"
  2. the god of lightning
  3. Emperor Ali
    05-20-2009 01:32 AM
    Emperor Ali
  4. Emperor Ali
    05-15-2009 11:45 AM
    Emperor Ali
    Sylar, you are now one of my best friends, Comintern|Axis Alliance Forever!
  5. Emperor Ali
    05-12-2009 05:15 PM
    Emperor Ali
    Hey, do you play Hearts of Iron 2? Were just wondering, setting up a match (maybe) and we are signing Loyal members to Join the Comintern|Axis Alliance
  6. Terceros
    03-27-2009 07:57 PM
    hey trade with me man
  7. Lmcfalcon12
    03-26-2009 03:51 PM
    If he's not in range, than don't worry about it. However, I'm watching a target attacking a Legion member now. He has been given 24 hours and then I will let you guys have at him. I will post you a target tomorrow if you can be patient, but the link you sent me, I would just let go.
  8. Lmcfalcon12
    03-24-2009 08:51 AM
    Just wanted to say thanks for keeping me up to date on some of the ghosts and helping me/us out with my duties. You haven't been a member for very long, but keep with it. I know a lot of guys get bored after a while. I've been here over 860 days and it still hasn't lost its spark. Keep with it, because sometimes we lack good, dedicated members such as yourself.

About Me

  • About Sylar
    New York
  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    East York
    Native Resource #1
    Native Resource #2


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 07-02-2011 09:47 AM
  • Join Date: 03-07-2009
  • Referrals: 1


Showing Friends 1 to 6 of 6

Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
East York
Native Resource #1
Native Resource #2
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