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bigdaddychacha bigdaddychacha is offline

Legion's Resident War Criminal

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31
  1. jfjf1234
    08-28-2013 03:13 AM

    Pocket Zooey Deschanel's heels

    Preparing three pairs of heels with three different colors, you can work out dressing match of the whole year. They are black, beige and red. Black is the most practical color while beige is the basic color and red is the eye-catching color. How about the beige Heels of Zooey Deschanel?
  2. Legionnaire
    12-29-2011 07:56 AM
  3. Iron Wolf
    11-29-2011 04:21 PM
    Iron Wolf
    I'm sad to see you leave. I really don't get anywhere near as much time to yap on irc or even here on these forums as I would like, but have always enjoyed your posts. I hope your travels take you back here someday when you're ready again.

  4. Immerael
    11-28-2011 09:54 PM
    Welp, it was cool having you as a Legionnaire for as long as you did. I was actually thinking a couple days ago "Whoah BDCC is a Legionnaire, I had forgotten". Guess I won't have that mess up anymore
  5. bjalbert
    11-28-2011 07:28 PM
    sorry to see you go BDCC
  6. Hubb
    11-28-2011 06:18 PM
    You know you were welcomed here with open arms from everyone when you had nowhere else to go. I am disappointed in your resignation.
  7. Tzar Rob
    10-11-2011 10:31 PM
    Tzar Rob 
    Thanks! But I just realize I should have declared after update, I messed up the stagger this way. Oh well!
  8. tom the pit leader
    09-20-2011 07:51 PM
    tom the pit leader

    for you, my pro-Clinton friend.
  9. Konkrage
    08-10-2011 11:12 AM
    Fair enough lol thank you very much
  10. bigdaddychacha
    08-10-2011 09:54 AM
    In South Korea, your birthday was yesterday!

About Me

  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    New Prospect Korea
    Native Resource #1
    Native Resource #2


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-08-2012 04:29 PM
  • Join Date: 02-18-2008
  • Referrals: 0


Showing Friends 1 to 9 of 9

Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
New Prospect Korea
Native Resource #1
Native Resource #2
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