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alex96 alex96 is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. znzy1234
    08-04-2013 08:16 AM

    Lusting over Megan Fox

    We spotted white legs reflected by boots of Megan Fox under a pants-less outfit, her no-bottoms looks bat sleeves coat, showed her much lusting prettiest figure.
  2. alex96
    06-19-2009 09:26 AM
    yup dont worry i wont
  3. the god of lightning
    06-19-2009 02:40 AM
    the god of lightning
    Looks like everything has been taken care of, the Ragnarok guy must have made a mistake. I told Totem about it so maybe he told the RoK gov. I can wait a week or so, so you can heal yourself back up and send Clock his first 50 tech b4 mine. Just don't forget to send me some eventually
  4. the god of lightning
    06-17-2009 06:54 AM
    the god of lightning
    Hi alex, make sure you report your war to the admiralty so they can help. If there's anything I can do to help let me know. Obviously I want your war to finish quickly so I can get my tech from the OMFG deal
  5. alex96
    05-13-2009 12:38 PM
    well if u want to set up a match for any of those im all up for that
  6. Emperor Ali
    05-13-2009 03:01 AM
    Emperor Ali
    Cod 4 and 5
  7. Emperor Ali
    05-12-2009 05:11 PM
    Emperor Ali
    Hey, do you play Hearts of Iron 2? Were just wondering, setting up a match (maybe) and we are signing Loyal members to Join the Comintern|Axis Alliance
  8. alex96
    04-22-2009 01:29 PM
    o allright thanx
  9. hockeyD13 (Ozark)
    04-22-2009 01:28 PM
    hockeyD13 (Ozark)
    i told someone to.... he'll send when he gets message
  10. David Ben-Gurion
    04-22-2009 01:23 PM
    David Ben-Gurion
    PM hockeyd13 and tell him i approved you.

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  • Last Activity: 09-04-2011 06:46 PM
  • Join Date: 02-05-2009
  • Referrals: 1


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