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Alexander Kerensky Alexander Kerensky is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 198
  1. Lord Windmark
    03-19-2019 01:04 AM
    Lord Windmark 
    Happy Birthday!
  2. WoofsharK
    06-25-2018 08:32 AM
    Grdensky has updated his affiliation
  3. DanDesade
    01-28-2018 07:53 PM

    "I hope you guys will reinstate my status but if not I understand that as well. I was using my desktop to play this before. But for now I am just on my phone. So if I don't respond quickly I apologize."
  4. deathbiter
    05-10-2017 12:35 AM
    A large amount of CN has moved to Discord and I have created a discord account. I am working on getting a discord server set up for the legion currently.
  5. Alexander Kerensky
    05-10-2017 12:32 AM
    Alexander Kerensky
    Surprised you guys don't use discord, I can't remember the last time I used IRC. Everyone needs a well rested retirement and if your still here after all this time I'm am positive yours is long overdue!

    I might download IRC again if it is actively used, thanks for the update deathbiter.
  6. deathbiter
    05-10-2017 12:28 AM
    The IRC channels have been registered again and we have a few people who come onto them each day. If you post your IRC nick I can give you access.
  7. killer04
    05-10-2017 12:24 AM
    Actually it appears that Regent Pancras made first mention of you, and then we just rolled with it. Starting out we were just doing random shit and then things started getting out of hand quickly. Things are going good. I basically forcefully removed myself from all positions a few months ago. Up until then I was Consul of FA and Defense and then I just let my nation go inactive (new thing, no more nations deleting). I also unintentionally let the IRC chans deregister. Now I just chill.
  8. Alexander Kerensky
    05-10-2017 12:22 AM
    Alexander Kerensky
    I just got finished with reading all the threads, things got pretty heated.. lol.

    how's things going with you man?
  9. killer04
    05-10-2017 12:17 AM
    I guess I did. I honestly can't remember what all we did. I remember that we wanted to make it a giant mess and prank and things got out of hand. We also wanted to make it appear like shadow gov was 100% real and there was a struggle among shadow gov.
  10. Alexander Kerensky
    05-10-2017 12:09 AM
    Alexander Kerensky
    I believe sir you resurrected me last year!

About Me

  • Cyber Nations
    Cyber Nations Nation ID #
    Cyber Nations Name
    Strana Mechty
    Native Resource #1
    Native Resource #2
    IRC/Discord name
  • Signature


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-08-2024 11:42 PM
  • Join Date: 05-25-2009
  • Referrals: 33

Cyber Nations

Cyber Nations Nation ID #
Cyber Nations Name
Strana Mechty
Native Resource #1
Native Resource #2
IRC/Discord name
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