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wain wain is offline

Cranky Old Woman

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 94
  1. Darth Elecian
    09-06-2021 07:47 PM
    Darth Elecian
    Heh, Xinny pretty much said and did the exact same thing with me. Him and I are also friends on facebook and he also messaged me that he was the new Imperator as well. I just finished helping out with summer school and I was in between jobs and the start of the new school year (I am now a 6th grade teacher at a local Milwaukee Public School in Wisconsin). I was also like "what the hell" as well! Happy to see you and a few others still here as well! Sorry to hear about your son's daycare being shut down as well! Doesn't sound fun but I hope that things worked out schedulewise for you and your son! PS: I wouldn't mind connecting with you outside of CN as well!
  2. Darth Elecian
    09-03-2021 06:53 PM
    Darth Elecian
    Hey wain! Thank you so much! I’m really Happy to see that you are still here as well!! ��Did Xineoph invite you back as well? ��
  3. Xineoph
    08-22-2021 01:00 AM
    and what about now?
  4. Xineoph
    08-21-2021 12:32 PM
    Does this mean you're coming back to do 3x3s and do political plots again?
  5. Xineoph
    08-21-2021 12:30 PM
    You already have an old timer mask and can post on all the public forums, right? I hope something didn't change.

    For private discord and members access, just make yourself a nation, and send us an application (it's a technicality, I apologize), and then if I'm awake, I'll mask you right away!
  6. Xineoph
    07-01-2016 01:53 AM
    <3 <3
    Mlehmleh misses you as well. How are you?
  7. Hubb
    06-28-2016 11:13 AM
    Couldn't stay away, huh? Lol.
  8. darkdemon1
    02-04-2013 08:49 PM
    Thanks Wain! You remembered! Unlike a Konk that I know of...
  9. darkdemon1
    01-17-2013 10:00 PM
    Ah still in school as of right now but also taking care of the family business on the side
    I'm pretty happy how life is going right now, even though I'm still single (because of my raging homosexuality and love of teh cawk)
  10. darkdemon1
    01-16-2013 12:54 PM
    Yeah, I know what you mean, had some time to kill a day ago and I completely forgot about nickserv lol
    Has life been treating you well?

About Me

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    The Deep South
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    R.I.P. District of York
    September 2006 - July 2009
    ID 44986


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  • Last Activity: 01-30-2022 12:09 PM
  • Join Date: 02-24-2008
  • Referrals: 5


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