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Jooshbox234 Jooshbox234 is offline

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1011 to 1020 of 1040
  1. Imperial
    02-27-2010 02:08 PM
    Have you been able to approve other applications without any problem?
  2. Watcher
    02-27-2010 01:38 PM
    You can also sell for reparations:

    Let Arb know.
  3. Watcher
    02-27-2010 01:30 PM
    Apply for rebuilding tech deals:

    as a seller. That will get you cash.
  4. hockeyD13 (Ozark)
    02-27-2010 12:47 PM
    hockeyD13 (Ozark)
    Yeah you are probably going yto have to wait awhile because now the banks are being used for rebuilding
  5. Alexander Kerensky
    02-26-2010 04:45 AM
    Alexander Kerensky
    Don't worry about any app before 2/20 or anything that is (PE). If a new nation is created and you can't find it through search post that and have someone else look over it too. Its always good to have a second set of eyes just in case. After that then it will be denied as they do not have a nation.
  6. Dendarii Federation
    02-25-2010 07:49 PM
    Dendarii Federation
    Some of the guides need to be updated. You can approve applicants as usual and then the Head Mentor will assign the nations to the mentors... I usually try to spread them out equally.
  7. Nedved I
    02-23-2010 02:15 PM
    Nedved I
    Forgot to scroll down lol, fml
  8. Nedved I
    02-23-2010 06:11 AM
    Nedved I
    How do you send messages in Supremacy 1914?
  9. Megamind
    02-22-2010 03:34 PM
    There are going to be 4, I've just made the announcement in Discussions
  10. Megamind
    02-22-2010 03:23 PM
    I did get it, but I've simply gotten too many applications to answer them all (I've gotten around 15). I'll be making an announcement shortly in which I'll be naming the new DiGs

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  • Cyber Nations
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  • Last Activity: 12-04-2011 02:43 PM
  • Join Date: 01-30-2010
  • Referrals: 11


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