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Jooshbox234 Jooshbox234 is offline

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 1040
  1. FUstarKU
  2. Legionnaire
    12-29-2011 07:58 AM
  3. Immerael
    11-20-2011 09:27 PM
    So I made one it's not pretty, I literally just made it fifteen seconds ago. thought invisionfree would have some poetic irony or something like that

    EDIT: Join up and I'll try and give you admin access. Unless of course you got a site already made and in better shape then I'll join up with you.
  4. Immerael
    11-17-2011 01:09 PM
    Sure. I've never worked on starting a forum on the ground up though, have you? Any idea where to start?
  5. Immerael
    11-13-2011 09:08 PM
    Totem hasn't got back to me and of the big admins he's the most active. I can't remember the last time Imperial was on. :/ I haven't wanted to advertise the game to other alliances until we have a forum for them to go to. I'll send totem another message.
  6. Immerael
    11-11-2011 08:11 PM
    I've messaged totem and hopeful we'll have the same set up as last time. We'll both be admins and then we'll take the forum from there. And applied to the alliance. I'll be spreading the word about joining us to our allies and allies forums. Hopefully we'll get a decent membership pool.
  7. Immerael
    11-11-2011 12:30 PM
    Sure, I'll talk to Totem see what I can get done. What do you want to call us? Legion or Nova Roma, we'll have a vote and what not on a new name once we get new members.
  8. Immerael
    11-11-2011 10:38 AM
    If you want to make the alliance and hope more people join eventually we can do it, otherwise we be just as well to find another alliance and join up. :/
  9. Devils Angel
    11-10-2011 03:37 AM
    Devils Angel
    I will have you manage the closed market which has no one in there right now. But once we start seeing people fill up with tech, people will start going into that section. I just added your name to the staff assignments page and that is where you will do your business. This is just a copy and paste of what you do in the open market: If you’re posted to the Closed Seller Market you check to see whether your sellers have full aid slots. If not then you put them into the Open Sellers Market. Choose from either the A or B threads. Whichever has less.

    Welcome back.
  10. Master Holton
    11-09-2011 01:44 PM
    Master Holton
    Im in it! Somewhere... Idk if I'll be committing full time but I might.

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  • Last Activity: 12-04-2011 02:43 PM
  • Join Date: 01-30-2010
  • Referrals: 11


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