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happy5214  happy5214 is offline

Econ Chief

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Veneziano
    11-02-2024 02:40 AM
    Hi everyone. I'm hoping to join a trade circle. I signed up via the forum. Does anyone have any advice on how to progress as a new nation?
  2. happy5214
    01-18-2022 09:54 AM
    Ave and Saluton! I don't regularly check my visitor messages, so please send me a PM or ping me on our Discord server @happy5214.
  3. TicTok
    03-06-2021 07:11 AM
    Morning happy. I was asked by Xineoph to check in with you about a trade circle. I probably slipped through the cracks but I have not been setup into a trade circle as of yet. I've been with the alliance 56 days so far. I do have trades with non-Legion players but they have a tendency to drop out. I would appreciate if I could get your help in getting a more permanent circle set up focused on lowering tech costs, or whatever is needed for the circle is cool to. I appreciate your time on this and thank you
  4. Micheal The Great
    12-11-2020 06:00 AM
    Micheal The Great
    Good morning happy5214! My tech system says that I have -4 tech slots owed and 14 cash slots open. Please advice. Just a few days ago I was owing 3 tech slots and I had .5 cash slots available!
  5. Micheal The Great
    11-12-2020 10:35 PM
    Micheal The Great
    Good morning Manitae, who is over the Tech Trading system? My account fluctuates too extremes at time. I believe I need to be audited. I was at a point yesterday of not owing Tech and this morning I owe 4 slots. I don't know what to make of it! Please inform me as to proceed. Thank you
  6. NivMizzet
    05-02-2020 07:36 PM
    Is their a discord?
  7. Watcher
    11-04-2019 01:32 PM
    My nations lives.
  8. edward175
    08-31-2019 08:57 AM
    hi i have a small issue i was inactive for about 3 years and now my nation an in debt by 5 million. how can i borrow money from the bank ?
  9. David Ben-Gurion
    07-14-2019 01:43 PM
    David Ben-Gurion
    Lurking, but around.

About Me

  • About happy5214
    Near some UNESCO-recognized missions
  • Cyber Nations
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    Native Resource #2
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  • Signature
    happy5214, by the Grace of the Imperator and the Consul of Internal and Economic Affairs, Vice Consul of Internal and Economic Affairs, Senator, Chief Economic Coordinator, Director of Trades, Chancellor of the Treasury, and Chief Censor, Assistant Commander of Legion Economics, Deputy Overseer of Internal Affairs, Voter of Team Proposals, Enactor of Purple Sanctions, Executor of Financial Policy, Organizer and Protector of the Circles, Comptroller of Allied National Resources, Head Merchant of Tech, Bringer of Aid, Expander of Nations, Collector of Statistics, and Analyst of the Game.

    For today, we aid. For tomorrow, we tech deal. For all, we trade. Forever, wir dienen.

    Vivu feliĉe kaj amike, parolu la veron, kaj elektu la bezonojn de ĉiuj anstataŭ viajn.

    Ave Legio. Ave Aquila.

    While I have worked to improve the quality of The Legion, I have accumulated the following awards:


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: Today 06:14 AM
  • Join Date: 05-31-2015
  • Referrals: 6

Cyber Nations

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