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Attitude Adjuster Attitude Adjuster is offline

Quantum's Chancellor of the Interior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24
  1. jfjf1234
    08-15-2013 07:54 AM

    Avril Lavigne walked down the street

    Wore a tight black sweater, a camouflage color shoulder bag, figure-hugging jeans and a pair of black snow boots, Avril Lavigne walked down the street quickly. She looks well. The nubuck rubber outsole snow Boots of Avril Lavigne look great.
  2. Darth Elecian
    12-18-2009 05:48 PM
    Darth Elecian
    Yo man, long time no talk since I have been gone away at Basic training and AIT for the national guard. Since you joined quantum a while ago, I am not sure if you even use this accoubt anymore but I just thought I would stop by to say hi, what's up?
  3. the god of lightning
    07-30-2009 06:06 PM
    the god of lightning
    I'm on a roll, I might have found another mentor, RavenEmperor is interested, can you have a talk with him explain the basics and see if he wants in?

    Midas should be masked by tomorrow.
  4. the god of lightning
    07-30-2009 05:54 PM
    the god of lightning
    sorry AA my pm box is full so I didn't get your last emssage, give me 20minutes to clean out room and try sending it again.
  5. Ganondorf X
    07-29-2009 07:07 PM
    Ganondorf X
    Yo...hey can we get that Tech Deal approved...message Teddyyo when you approve i really need to get this tech deal done and many other tech deals done....thanks
  6. the god of lightning
    07-29-2009 02:36 AM
    the god of lightning
    Attitude too many of our mentors are on LoA atm. When Tor gets back he was going to talk to Midas and Shlytsyn and see if they wanted to be mentors. But I don't think we can wait that long. Can you talk to them explain what the mentor job entails and if there still interested let me know and I'll get them masked.
  7. the god of lightning
    07-24-2009 02:06 AM
    the god of lightning
    Good Luck handling the Head Mentor job while Tor's away AA, we have faith in you

    Don't forget to chase the mentors up, there's still a few P people in the applications forum.
  8. bjalbert
    07-23-2009 06:40 PM
    I'm on IRC now
  9. Ganondorf X
    07-18-2009 10:15 PM
    Ganondorf X
    hey i got a question how do u get your sig picture to show up....please send me details
  10. zaver66
    07-16-2009 10:23 AM
    rejoin that irc justin please. I need you there bro thanks. Its /join Midas_Office btw tell the others. thanks man

About Me

  • About Attitude Adjuster
    masonry, football, games
    maintenance tech./ Master Electrician
  • Cyber Nations
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-29-2009 04:21 PM
  • Join Date: 02-07-2009
  • Referrals: 51


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