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Conversation Between Overlord Kerst and Extractum11
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Extractum11
    06-09-2013 11:03 AM
  2. Overlord Kerst
    06-09-2013 03:03 AM
    Overlord Kerst
    So you are aware, Valarius has returned to recruitment, I masked him
  3. Overlord Kerst
  4. Overlord Kerst
    04-02-2013 03:58 AM
    Overlord Kerst
    *OK knows all...
  5. Extractum11
    04-01-2013 08:47 PM
    How the.....that's uncanny.
    I was probably writing it as you posted that message
  6. Overlord Kerst
    04-01-2013 08:23 PM
    Overlord Kerst
    Recruitment is cleared to open back up! I would suggest created a 2013 Time-Stamp log (feel free to use my format from last year), having a recruiter check-in, and also bumping the IA job fair to get some recruiters. I will gladly help out, I know staff has shrunk. If you need help just let me know! Great work in Econ btw!
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