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Conversation Between Overlord Kerst and Konkrage
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 50
  1. Konkrage
    09-09-2013 05:27 PM
    Waiting on orders,

  2. Overlord Kerst
    07-02-2013 02:31 PM
    Overlord Kerst
    I don't think I have the capability (that or I just don't know how). I'll ask totem.
  3. Konkrage
    07-02-2013 06:41 AM
    Hey can I get that subforum?
  4. Konkrage
    06-26-2013 08:46 PM
    Subforum and you should have it.
  5. Overlord Kerst
    06-26-2013 05:58 PM
    Overlord Kerst
    Saw Xin's app and took care of it. As far as the AS special projects, do you mean a stickied thread or a sub-forum? Not sure I have the power to do the latter...
  6. Konkrage
    06-25-2013 12:03 PM
    Xineoph sent in an application.

    Also, may I have a special forum under AS that is Activity Shephers Special Projects
  7. Konkrage
    04-02-2013 05:52 AM
    It stopped haha I might be picking it up but lately I've just been straight basketball.
  8. Overlord Kerst
    04-02-2013 03:59 AM
    Overlord Kerst
    No rush, give it a week or so once the check-ins are done lol how's the exercising going?
  9. Konkrage
    04-01-2013 09:19 PM
    Yes, I can post check in if you wish. I did some edits just this last week, I can do the rest if you want.
  10. Overlord Kerst
    04-01-2013 08:24 PM
    Overlord Kerst
    Just wondering if you could edit the IA staff list some time next week. I'm going to ask all the department heads to hold check-ins for their staff to see where we are at.
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