Conversation Between Overlord Kerst and Konkrage
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 50
Waiting on orders,
I don't think I have the capability (that or I just don't know how). I'll ask totem.
Hey can I get that subforum?
Subforum and you should have it.
Saw Xin's app and took care of it. As far as the AS special projects, do you mean a stickied thread or a sub-forum? Not sure I have the power to do the latter...
Xineoph sent in an application.
Also, may I have a special forum under AS that is Activity Shephers Special Projects
It stopped haha I might be picking it up but lately I've just been straight basketball.
No rush, give it a week or so once the check-ins are done lol how's the exercising going?
Yes, I can post check in if you wish. I did some edits just this last week, I can do the rest if you want.
Just wondering if you could edit the IA staff list some time next week. I'm going to ask all the department heads to hold check-ins for their staff to see where we are at.