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Conversation Between Assarax and Iron Wolf
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Iron Wolf
    05-18-2011 04:13 AM
    Iron Wolf
    :{ I hope RL isn't kicking your ass too hard my friend.
  2. Iron Wolf
    05-05-2010 08:36 PM
    Iron Wolf
    WB to teh interwebz!
  3. Assarax
    03-29-2010 09:50 AM
    Nope. RL decided to kick me in the junk and then jump on my face as I lay there groaning in pain. Stupid college and homework...
  4. Iron Wolf
    03-27-2010 07:00 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Hey Assarax, I hope that RL has laid off the ass-kicking lately.
  5. Iron Wolf
    10-01-2009 09:16 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Thanks for the rocking chair!
  6. Assarax
    10-14-2008 09:08 AM
    It ain't my fault you're never on IRC! RL is cool, I guess... school's ok but I wish it would end.
  7. Iron Wolf
    10-14-2008 09:06 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Hey you! Ya, you who doesn't talk to me anymorez. Lol, how's RL treating you, you retired anti-democratic bastard?
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