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Conversation Between Konkrage and tom the pit leader
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 36
  1. tom the pit leader
    06-08-2016 08:50 PM
    tom the pit leader
    Yes please. That will do wonders for keeping spirits up as our top tier gets eaten.
  2. Konkrage
    06-08-2016 08:03 PM
    It is insanely cool! What if we do a top 10 in discussions, like a leaderboard of destruction that is update in real time?
  3. tom the pit leader
    06-08-2016 12:44 PM
    tom the pit leader
    Is that not the coolest roster thread ever?
  4. tom the pit leader
  5. tom the pit leader
    09-27-2015 08:52 PM
    tom the pit leader
    even if I ditched my planes, I'd still have to sell like 2k, which is too much to pick a fight.
  6. Konkrage
    09-27-2015 07:47 PM
    Sell that infra, sounds like The perfect time
  7. tom the pit leader
    09-27-2015 06:52 PM
    tom the pit leader
    Well it's a moot question now that he's like 10k out of my range.
  8. Konkrage
    09-26-2015 03:13 PM
    Is it just a confirmed rogue? Feel free to hop in if you want. It might be more painful than you expect though haha
  9. tom the pit leader
    09-26-2015 11:05 AM
    tom the pit leader
    so is that a yes?
  10. Konkrage
    09-26-2015 08:07 AM
    Smells like a training exercise to me
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