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Conversation Between Konkrage and Hubb
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
  1. Konkrage
    01-24-2025 07:36 AM
  2. Hubb
    01-22-2025 11:15 PM
  3. Hubb
    02-26-2021 01:04 PM
    I want one of those hats I keep seeing. I'm just
  4. Konkrage
    06-28-2016 11:24 AM
    We're a pretty nice city, as long as you aren't cheering for the wrong teams. haha
  5. Hubb
    06-28-2016 11:08 AM
    It's a nice campus. They were doing a ton of construction while we were there, but I liked the Richardson area. Reds and Rangers split the series. Nice ballpark. No one minded when I cheered for the Reds. Lol.
  6. Konkrage
    06-26-2016 06:34 PM
    Nice! UTDallas is where I did grad school. I live in Dallas, yes. I hear the Rangers are kicking ass this year, but I haven't been following it too terribly closely.
  7. Hubb
    06-26-2016 05:34 PM
    Lol. Where are you? Dallas? My son was at UT-Dallas for a STEM camp. We flew down, and then we flew back on Friday to rescue my daughters and in-laws from the flooding up here. Went to a couple of Rangers games to watch the Reds.
  8. Konkrage
    06-26-2016 08:37 AM
    What the shit, you should've got in touch with me! And I think that's for people that used to be in the alliance and left, so they get specialized access.
  9. Hubb
    06-25-2016 07:29 PM
    Hubb do I get a Legion Old Timer banner? That's pretty sweet. Lol....or do I have to not be in the Legion to get one? If that's the case, then nah. Also, I was in Dallas/Richardson/Arlington last week.
  10. Konkrage
    10-26-2015 09:07 AM
    Finally locked in that boss status, took long enough. Maybe in another 6 months you'll notice that we gained sanction again
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