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Conversation Between Konkrage and Zyvexal
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Zyvexal
    12-27-2019 07:51 PM
    haha not bad at all. Doing some writing and such. Job too ez and leaves me with a lot of free time.
  2. Konkrage
    12-26-2019 05:22 PM
    Awesome, lots of life changes from the time we were playing together. I think back then I was in highschool, so since then I’ve graduated college, graduate school, started a career, moved t start a business and gotten engaged. What about you, how’s life on your end?
  3. Zyvexal
    12-16-2019 05:34 PM
    haha nice. How's life treating ya
  4. Konkrage
    12-16-2019 10:05 AM
    Oh shit whattup man! Nah, for the most part I’m not. I just check the boards every once in a while.
  5. Zyvexal
    12-13-2019 09:50 PM
    hey man, you alive? Siaon and I are back.
  6. Konkrage
    11-15-2010 08:51 AM
    That's what I discovered as well, I was just wondering if I missed some obscure set. thanks for the confirmation bro, I appreciate it.
  7. Zyvexal
    11-14-2010 07:46 PM
    i did a resource calculation for you. You should definitely keep your current resources. If you go for affluent population and fine jewelry, you won't be able to get fast food. And the amount of citizens will actually be the same as the amount you have now because you have all the citizen boosting basic resources, and your current set offers much better infra cost/upkeep rates and also better environment.
  8. Konkrage
    11-14-2010 06:13 PM
    Ah, but here is the question... whats the amount I would make comparable to what I save/make with the current set?
  9. Zyvexal
    11-14-2010 06:04 PM
    i read ur nation doctor app thing

    i'm not a nation doctor so i didn't want to answer you in the thread, but with your resources you can't get max population. Max population requires affluent population, fast food and fine jewelry as the bonus resources and wheat as extra. Since you already have wheat, you can't afford a bonus resource, and rubber is not part of the 3 bonus resources.

    I know this cuz I used to have max population.
  10. Zyvexal
    08-10-2009 04:26 AM
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