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Conversation Between bjalbert and Regent Pancras
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. Regent Pancras
    02-08-2015 07:12 AM
    Regent Pancras
    I'm sorted now thanks. I pulled out of one. Xineoph would probably be interested it might be worth PM in game.
  2. bjalbert
    02-02-2015 07:28 PM
    let me know if you need a TC, I have an open slot for ya
  3. bjalbert
    02-12-2014 04:57 PM
    Good catch for IV s.4. I would prefer 72 hours, but it may not come into play.
  4. Regent Pancras
    02-12-2014 10:47 AM
    Regent Pancras
    Without being pedantic, IV s.4 states "All votes, with time limits not previously specified".

    IV s.1 refers to Votes of No Confidence in the IG, and mentions "for the duration of 48 hours while the Vote of No Confidence is passed to the public for vote". So this backs up the elections procedure that it should be 48 hours.

    As the election timetable is legislation it would seem that 48 hours is the correct. If you want it changed, I'll run with that. At the moment the only nominee we have is Staccs so no election would be necessary.
  5. bjalbert
    02-11-2014 05:23 PM
    I think per charter IV section 4, all votes are 72 hours.
  6. Regent Pancras
    02-11-2014 11:56 AM
    Regent Pancras
    The Election timetable states 48. I thought we did 72 hours - but the timetable has been used before. Maybe it's just 72 for VoC?
  7. bjalbert
    02-11-2014 09:23 AM
    Thanks for setting up. We need 72 hours for all votes however.
  8. bjalbert
    11-13-2011 08:05 AM
    no movement yet at Sparta, still awaiting to be approved.
  9. bjalbert
    08-04-2010 04:57 AM
    Yeah, but unfortunately not enough time for it right now. Hopefully I will be back someday.
  10. Regent Pancras
    08-04-2010 01:09 AM
    Regent Pancras
    Hope you are ok bj! Are you missing Admiralty yet?
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