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Conversation Between Iron Wolf and Lady_Aberdeen
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 184
  1. Iron Wolf
    03-25-2022 08:23 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Hi Back! You were crossing my mind earlier this month, how you (and family) been?
  2. Lady_Aberdeen
    03-08-2022 06:17 PM
    Hello there.
  3. Iron Wolf
    05-25-2017 02:07 PM
    Iron Wolf
    You live!
  4. Lady_Aberdeen
    05-24-2017 01:27 PM
  5. Iron Wolf
    11-07-2016 03:37 AM
    Iron Wolf
    There may be a few others around, I only check in here once in a while. I call you THE Lady because you are. You're first, so you have dibbs on the title.

    Been busy as Hell myself in RL. My day job has become way more stressful than I ever imagined it could get, and then in my "off time" doing two paper routes. I'm glad my kids are all adults or I'd have had to given up any attempt at sleep!

    Are you still seeing the same person you were last time we talked (oh Hell, was that really more than a year ago?) ? And how's your girl doing?
  6. Lady_Aberdeen
    11-06-2016 09:45 AM
    Life has been bloody busy, been working my ass off, so same old. Funny to hear THE, there has always been a few Ladies around. Why are they so scarce? Though I recently realized I have been here for 10 and a half years. My lord!! How have you been??
  7. Iron Wolf
    11-05-2016 04:51 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Hiya definition of THE Lady of the Legion! How you been doing? You've been on my mind of late.
  8. Lady_Aberdeen
    11-01-2016 12:15 PM
  9. Iron Wolf
    03-08-2015 06:55 AM
    Iron Wolf
    Pneumonia = EEEEWWWWWW!!! Not allowed! I don;t recall being asked if you could catch that crap. Hoping you get well quick though.

    About your nation... if you're looking for tech buyers, I'll sign on.
  10. Lady_Aberdeen
    03-07-2015 03:06 PM
    Reviving my nation whilst curing my Pneumonia
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