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Conversation Between Immerael and bjalbert
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. bjalbert
    08-27-2012 07:27 PM
  2. bjalbert
    09-27-2009 09:45 AM
    OK, accepted and added you as mentor. You may want to ask IW and RyanM why you can't post there though.
  3. Immerael
    09-27-2009 09:40 AM
    Yeah I tried again and it still refuses to let me post. Idk whats up. Please and thank you bjalbert.
  4. bjalbert
    09-27-2009 09:36 AM
    I don't know why you can't post in ericdr's application, but I will for you if you want me to. Let me know
  5. Immerael
    09-27-2009 08:50 AM
    I would have posted this on the application thread but it says I dont have sufficent privialges to do so. But Ericdr applied yesterday, dont worry about assigning him a mentor I got it. I know the kid in RL so its more efficient.
  6. Immerael
    09-25-2009 12:52 PM
    Thats awesome. Thanks for informing me, I thought maybe my messages had fallen on deaf/dead nations. =D
  7. bjalbert
    09-25-2009 12:28 PM
    Hey, your 1st recruit became a full member yesterday... well done!
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