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Conversation Between Zyvexal and Wensteria
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 46
  1. Zyvexal
    12-27-2019 09:19 PM
    wen!!! I'm baaack! You come back too!
  2. Zyvexal
    12-20-2015 09:59 AM
    I'm doing a grad degree on Computer Science with a specialization in Human Computer interactions. So hopefully I'll be doing some cool stuff like virtual reality games and stuff like that.
  3. Wensteria
    12-18-2015 03:24 AM
    Wow, that's great! What are you going to be when you grow up?
  4. Zyvexal
    12-17-2015 05:36 PM
    yeeep grad school and everything
  5. Wensteria
    12-17-2015 02:54 PM
    Goodness! Haven't you been going to school for 8 years?
  6. Zyvexal
    12-17-2015 01:35 PM
    haha not much, i've been playing a lot of CS:GO while finishing school.
  7. Wensteria
    12-17-2015 10:15 AM
    Zy!!!!!! Good to hear from you! I'm doing well. How about you? Anything exciting going on with you?
  8. Zyvexal
    12-16-2015 08:45 PM
    wen!!!!!!! how's it been going
  9. Wensteria
    10-02-2012 01:45 PM
    nm, tried it and didnt like it :/
  10. Zyvexal
    10-02-2012 04:18 AM
    yeah i still play league occasionally
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