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Conversation Between Warlord Pete and Watcher
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Watcher
    10-14-2011 05:15 PM
    He has switched to messing with my defcon and such but it isn't helping him much.
  2. Warlord Pete
    10-14-2011 03:44 PM
    Warlord Pete
    No problem. He tried half heartedly to destroy my money, but it didn't work.
  3. Watcher
    10-14-2011 03:42 PM
    Those spy attacks helped a lot. He has stopped air attacking me now due to low reserves.
  4. Warlord Pete
    10-10-2011 03:46 PM
    Warlord Pete
    Hoah to that. This has to be the most fun war I have fought in. Kicking ass never gets old.
  5. Watcher
    10-10-2011 03:42 PM
    I will fight with you any day. We kicked ass.
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