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Conversation Between Tzar Rob and killer04
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 35
  1. killer04
    05-11-2012 04:43 PM
    welp no date
  2. killer04
    03-27-2012 06:20 PM
    rawr!! Do you think youll be on irc tonight? If not, no big deal
  3. killer04
    02-28-2012 07:41 PM
    You are under attack
  4. Tzar Rob
    02-26-2012 09:36 PM
    Tzar Rob 
    You are a jerk
  5. killer04
    02-26-2012 09:26 PM
    I left
  6. Tzar Rob
    01-10-2012 10:31 PM
    Tzar Rob 
    Im the Minister of Dinky Doos now!
  7. killer04
    01-10-2012 11:14 AM
    Didnt take you long to find the thread only 9mins xD
  8. killer04
    12-14-2011 07:35 PM
    thanks, not exactly what I wanted to hear, but I may just end up adding more mulch to try and compensate xD
  9. Tzar Rob
    12-14-2011 07:29 PM
    Tzar Rob 
    Since I dont know what time I am going to get home, I will give you a quick answer here. Essentially, no. Or at least not at the playgrounds that I have been too. Now though, they have a product which is essentially rubber mulch made from shredded up tires that can be use instead of the mulch because it is softer and because it is softer to land on when compared to standard mulch. Hope this answers your question.
  10. Tzar Rob
    12-14-2011 06:52 PM
    Tzar Rob 
    I cant talk too much right now, but when I get home from the library, hopefully you will be on IRC. Thats a really odd question.
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