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Conversation Between the god of lightning and Iron Wolf
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 167
  1. the god of lightning
    04-16-2011 11:56 PM
    the god of lightning
    Still busy with assignments and work, slowly getting through it though.
  2. Iron Wolf
    04-16-2011 10:04 AM
    Iron Wolf
    marginally useful at best imo, FACs. RL still is busy. Job hunt continues, and we have to be ready to move by the end of the summer barring divine intervention. The landlord let the house we're renting go into Foreclosure, so by the time the law plays out, we'll likely end up having to move once the house's trip through the legal system has run it's course. On the plus side, I'm finally able to get my wife to go through boxes she's had since before I married her and either put up for sale or throw out that are just in the garage and other spots around the house collecting dust. How goes Uni?
  3. the god of lightning
    04-15-2011 08:45 PM
    the god of lightning
    I just realized the FAC might actually be useful when we need to rebuild our larger nations.... that's a scary thought

    How are you?
  4. the god of lightning
    11-01-2010 04:25 PM
    the god of lightning
    Np just let me know who to mask when your ready.
  5. Iron Wolf
    10-21-2010 05:52 PM
    Iron Wolf
    Also had Watcher and Hubb point out that I neglected to close Hubb's voting thread, lol. Thread closed now, not that it's going to keep Watcher outta it.
  6. the god of lightning
    10-21-2010 05:33 PM
    the god of lightning
    clean copy is in the laws forum

    it didn't take long to update
  7. Iron Wolf
    10-21-2010 05:27 PM
    Iron Wolf
    I just read through the bumping in the Legislative area. Where's the "clean copy" going to be at so I can copy/pasta without strikethroughs n such?
  8. the god of lightning
    10-21-2010 05:25 PM
    the god of lightning
    IW the HoF law is updated so you might want to update your quick reference card and anything else around the historian forums.
  9. the god of lightning
    09-28-2010 06:01 AM
    the god of lightning
    Konk's written it, should be posted next few days.
  10. the god of lightning
    09-12-2010 07:15 AM
    the god of lightning
    In Australia your birthday has already started so feel free to celebrate a few hours early
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