View Full Version : Fallout 3/2012

Ganondorf X
01-02-2010, 04:15 PM
Ok so i just recently got my xbox 360 and im pretty into Fallout 3 when all of a sudden i find myself sitting on the couch thinking about how possible the world could become like it is in Fallout 3.

Ok so heres my theory....First we'll start off talking about all the hype that is 2012. With so much discussion going on about this topic in the world, the real question is will it happen??...My personal beliefs are NO IT WONT HAPPEN...anyways ok so what if it does happen well who cares. Anyways i think there is so much being led to this that if it doesnt happen that it will trigger something in that will cause nuclear war. Its very possible....that it could happen. I mean all the crap thats being said about 2012 there is just way too much hype being put on that day December 21 2012...that most people assume it will happen because tv and critics say it will...i pity those who believe such garbage....i'll go on living my life the same before and after.

Tell me what you think!!

Justin The Terrible
01-02-2010, 04:21 PM
nah dude.. just watch idiocracy.. that's 2012 for ya.. that's our fate=D

01-02-2010, 04:24 PM
i wont even be old enought to drink.....:(

01-02-2010, 04:25 PM
ill be in the army by then :D

Alastair Tau
01-03-2010, 05:42 AM
I guess what will happen is this:

Climate change (doesn't matter if we are to blame or not) will cause the polar ice caps to melt. This will raise the sea levels by a few meters causing severe loss of land and life (for example New Orleans will be gone for good then) and disrupting the global economies.

In addition to that, the influx of cold water (and icebergs) from the north pole will stop the Conveyor (http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/oceanography_currents_1.html) in the north atlantic, effectively disrupting the gulf-streams and therefor the distrubution of warmth across the globe, result: Ice Age

Whats left of the human civilisation after that, will have small resemblance with what we have now.

Oh, and of course there will be wars for the few remaining resources in the regions that are still habitable then.

01-03-2010, 06:37 AM
Global warming couldn't kill us by 2012. And the calendars you speak of ending always repeat themselves. Its noted that an ancient tribe's calendar ended in the 1800s. Did the world end? No. Will it end in 2012? No. We repeat it. Again and again and again.

2012? I'll be out of school driving a nice 1970 GTO. I'm not worried.

Alastair Tau
01-03-2010, 07:00 AM
Oh, forgot to say that what I just wrote will NOT happen in 2012. More probably around 2050 or somesuch.

Alexander Kerensky
01-03-2010, 07:15 AM
Oh, forgot to say that what I just wrote will NOT happen in 2012. More probably around 2050 or somesuch.

Polar ice caps melting is pretty difficult to do with the earth has been in a cooling trend since 1998.

In any case most of the 2012 hub bub is centered around two myths that have no merit. 1. That the Mayan calendar Ends or says the world will end in 2012. and 2. That the planets will align in 2012.

1. Is completely unfounded, the Mayan does not predict anything it simply counts numbers in forms that make revolving cycles. Even any light reading on the subject will get you to the single fact that it tracks a 5126 year era then resets to 0 and counts up again. Flipping your cute kitty calendar from Dec 2009 to January 2010 didn't cause the world to end, neither will this.

2. That planets will not align at any point in 2012, nor will they align to the "center" of the Milky Way Galaxy. Considering the planet earth is at the far edge of the galaxy itself calling something of this nature center is just ignorant. On a side note though on 6/23/2010 there will be planetary alignment of Uranus, Jupiter, and Mercury will be lined up on one side of the Sun while Venus, Mars, and Saturn will be lined up on the other side. Earth will be perpendicular to the Sun.

Nedved I
01-03-2010, 07:32 AM
Robo Ninja Zombies, that is all.

01-04-2010, 07:59 PM
Global warming couldn't kill us by 2012. And the calendars you speak of ending always repeat themselves. Its noted that an ancient tribe's calendar ended in the 1800s. Did the world end? No. Will it end in 2012? No. We repeat it. Again and again and again.

2012? I'll be out of school driving a nice 1970 GTO. I'm not worried.

If 2012 goes down can I have your car? :D

Nedved I
01-04-2010, 08:03 PM
My plan, I buy buy peoples shit at firesale prices, people who beleive in the 2012 nonsence
Then when the world doesn't end I sell it back at 3 times the price.

01-04-2010, 08:21 PM
Nah. lol

Media hype :P

Ganondorf X
02-07-2010, 02:00 AM
Nah. lol

Media hype :P

well i know 2012 is stupid media blowing everything out of the water, but im just saying if something did happen i could see a nuclear war