Thread: Brexit
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Old 01-28-2019, 03:44 PM   #25
"not The mesiah! hes a naughty Boy!"
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Default Re: Brexit

Originally Posted by arctic chill View Post
I'm not a citizen of the U.K but my first serious relationship was a girl from small town there and I've spent a significant amount of time there.

The EU is absolutely a joke. As long as you have countries like Brussels and Greece in a "socialistic" type of alliance, you will have great countries like England who pay the cost of the majority. Though a no deal Brexit is not ideal by any means, in my opinion it will still work out for England in the long run. You're talking about saving 100's of millions of pounds a week by exiting.

Immigration, that is a primary problem. There is NO reason a country should be forced to have open borders. I can't believe there are countries, governments, people who are ok with forcing immigrants into any nation. This does nothing but hurt any economy and increase crime rates.

I really do believe England leaving the EU is the first step in the dissolution of the EU. Other large countries will follow suit after England proves that in the long run it is a profitable decision.

I'm not saying it doesn't come without its own problems, such as health care while on holiday or trade agreements, but I really do believe once the logistics are worked out it will benefit England in the long run.
You have this policy in the states where the wealthier states prop up the poorer ones.
Its no different for the EU and Irelands membership of the EU has helped us grow from a 3rd world state to a first world economy. This however is not the main issue and even the migration of immigrants is also a smokescreen to the biggest problem

The issue here is about global trade. The UK as a member of the EU use EU brokered trade agreements with the world. When they leave they will have to renegotiate all these agreements which will take anywhere between 5 and 10 years. While these are being negotiated WTO rules will apply which means goods between the EU and UK will all now be subject to WTO tarriffs as high as 30%. Currently all EU states have FREE trade within the union and brokered deals with USA, canada etc. The UK if they do leave with no trade agreement will still have to negotiate new agreements with the entire world! Good luck with that one! If they leave but stay in the free trade agreement this wont apply with the EU states but will for the rest of the world! Good luck with that one too!.

I work for a major multinational and part of the EU law on Data is that no EU data is allowed leave the EUs borders. this is going to be a major headach for ireland as most of our data is routed via the UK to the continent. We have had to spend billions on new subsea cables to spain, france and Holland so we are brexit ready. The other Data operators will have had to do this also.

simple fact is the UK people were lied to about what brexit would be and how it could be implemented. The press pushed this as it sold papers and sensationalised the whole thing. Mays government has no clue what it is doing.

Regarding Irelands trade with the UK its actually more like 15% but that 15% is 50 % of our nations Food production. brexit will have a huge effect on the 390000 workers in the irish agri business.

The UK Scientific community will suffer due to 90% of its funding comes from the EU. The UK will no longer have access to CERN, ESA and many other Scientific groups that exist from the fact that they are borne of the participants being EU member states.

Personally, I hope that the EU will stick to its Guns where they have negotiated a Deal and are no longer open for new negotiations forcing a second referendum where the UK citizens now armed with the truth of what brexit is will have a change of heart. They can do a 20 year plan for Brexit part deux but this time plan and negotiate for all that it encompasses so next time they want to invoke article 50 they would be ready for its consequences. The UK will also have to replace its political elite with people who know what they are talking about. As of now I despair for the future of the UK as it is being run by people who seem to have fell into the roles because the adults all left. Its a political lord of the Flies!

Look up James O Brien on Youtube as he seems to be the WTF is happening and is providing a lot of common sense arguments to a population of radio listeners who seem to only understand brexit as per what the tabloids are saying it is, and much of it bullshit.

TL/DR: Brexit is the super massive clusterfuck everyone said it would be
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